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Tombs of the nobles

The nobles are the ones who had the high positions in Egypt , we have hundreds of their tombs in Luxor lots of them have not been cleaned yet . we still excavate more tombs for them because lots of houses had been built on top .
The unique thing about their tomb is that they show us scenes of their life & the life of the workmen whom they supervise. 
they are scattered in more than 4 places each group with different ticket , so it's better to tell your guide about the name of the tomb or the scenes you are interested to see 

tomb of Nakht

Nakht was a scribe who held the title ‘Astronomer of Amun’ in the 18th Dynasty , probably during the reign of Tuthmose IV or Amenhotep III

tomb of Menna

Menna was a ‘Scribe in the fields of the Lord of the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt’ during the 18th  Dynasty , His wife’s name was Henuttawi, a Chantress of Amun.

tomb of khaefru

‘Royal Scribe’ during the reign of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV

tomb of Nefersekhru

Nefersekheru held the titles ‘Scribe of the Divine Offerings of all the Gods’ and ‘Officer in the Treasury of the Southern City’ during the Ramesside Period. 

tomb of Neferrenpet

Neferonpet, who was a temple scribe and held the title of ‘Scribe of the Treasury in the Estate of Amun-Re’ during the reign of Rameses II.

tomb of Pabasa

Pabasa, who was also called Pabes, has a large tomb at Asasif, just outside the entrance to Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el-Bahri. he was the ‘Chief Steward of the God’s Wife Neitiqert during the reign of Saite king Psamtek I.

tomb of Userhat

tomb of khonsu

Khonsu  was a priest of the cult of Tuthmose III with the title ‘First Prophet of Menkheperre’, during the reign of Rameses II. The tomb has many lovely paintings depicting the cult of the god Montu as well as that of Tuthmose III.

tomb of benia

Benia, who is also called Pahekmen, had the titles of ‘Overseer of Works’ and ‘Child of the Nursery’ during mid-18thDynasty .

tome of Re mose




this tome is famous of i's delicate scenes and intricate details 

The Tomb of Khaemhat



Khaemhat and his wife

Tomb of Userhat



workmen have their hair shaved in the fields .

Tomb of Rekhmire

workmen in their work ( carpenters , vessels maker ) 

Tomb of sennefer

known as graveyard tomb because it's ceiling is painted with grave scenes 

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