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Tomb of nefersekheru

Nefersekheru held the titles ‘Scribe of the Divine Offerings of all the Gods’ and ‘Officer in the Treasury of the Southern City’ during the Ramesside Period. 

The tomb opens off a courtyard and consists of a long hall with well-preserved colourful paintings, especially the ceiling .

































In the entrance passage Nefersekheru is shown in relief with one of his wives, in an attitude of worship . To the left of the entrance, on the eastern wall, are scenes from the ‘Book of Gates’ in which he appears with his wife Nefertari before the Guardians of the Gates, in offering scenes and a judgement scene where his heart is weighed against a feather before Osiris, Isis and Nephthys.






















In the register below there is a lovely picture of Nefersekheru and his wife drinking from a pool in a garden and another of him playing the game of Senet, which had a religious significance. At the end of the eastern wall the deceased offers to the cult images of Amenhotep I and Ahmose-Nefertari who are seated in a kiosk.

The wall at the southern end of the tomb is actually a doorway which is now blocked off, but on the lintel above was a double-scene of the deceased and his wife adoring Osiris and the Western Goddess and Anubis and Isis.

The western wall on the left-hand side of the entrance shows funerary offering scenes, one with a priest and a harpist censing offerings. In the centre of the eastern wall are three well-preserved life-sized statues. Osiris is portrayed in the centre with a statue of the deceased on either side. On the right of the statue niche, scenes of Nut as a personified djed-pillar which is adored by baboons and various deities. Nefersekheru had two other wives who were depicted in these scenes – Ma’atmut stands with her husband before Osiris, Isis and Nephthys and in the bottom register Sekhemwy, is with Nefersekheru in a Tree-Goddess scene.

In another statue-niche on the northern wall there are seated statues of the deceased with two women, possibly two of his wives. 

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