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Tomb of Remose

Ramose was ‘Governor of the Town’ (Thebes) and Vizier during the reigns of Amenhotep III and IV.

His tomb  reflects his important position in the royal court .

 It is uncertain whether the deceased was ever buried in this tomb, or whether he followed Akhenaten to his new capital, Akhetaten, but no tomb has been found for Ramose there.


Its roof once supported by four rows of eight papyrus columns. Some of these have recently been restored. There has been a great deal of damage to the tomb, to the reliefs depicting Akhenaten, but also because of a collapsed ceiling, although this probably contributed to the preservation of the remaining reliefs. The tomb was also usurped by another individual at a later date.









The scenes of the banquet on the wall on the left of the entrance are particularly beautiful, carved with very fine detail and left uncoloured except for the eyes of the figures. Each guest, some of them the relatives of the deceased, is named in the accompanying texts. These say that Ramose married his brother’s daughter, Meryt-Ptah.

































The end wall on the south side portrays the funeral procession . its paintings show very good colour and detail of the funerary goods being transported to the tomb with the procession of mourners moving towards the Western Goddess. The canopic jars in their shrine are taken with the sarcophagus to the tomb on sleds.

the tomb furnishings and burial goods being carried to the tomb.

A group of mourning women dressed in white robes with their hair loose, are shown in a well-known scene at the centre of the procession. Further on nine kneeling women wail and cover their heads with ashes and bare-chested women dressed in yellow and red beat their breasts.










The west wall is damaged and difficult to recognise but has four unfinished figures of Ramose ( here you can see the first steps of drawing the scenes ). 

Akhenaten Behind him sits the goddess Ma’at in the classic style. In the centre of the west wall is the entrance to the unfinished inner chamber where Ramose is portrayed entering the tomb, with an autobiographical text appealing to the gods to recognise his good character.


On the right of the entrance Ramose can be seen kneeling prostrated before Amenhotep IV and his queen Nefertiti, who are shown in the ‘Window of Appearances’ with the rays of the Aten showering down on them. This relief is executed in the new style of Amarna art and was defaced, presumably after Akhenaten’s reign ended. Ramose is shown receiving the ‘Gold of Honour’ one of the highest awards in the land, and many courtiers and officials are bowing low before the royal couple.

Beyond this scene the wall is unfinished. Drawings have been sketched in but were left uncarved. These show foreign delegates (four Nubians, three Asiatics and a Libyan) coming to pay homage and offer tribute to the king.


























The north wall of the tomb is undecorated, but the wall to the right of the tomb entrance is again decorated with traditional fine reliefs. There is an Iun-mutef priest dressed in a panther skin with a comprehensive list of offerings for the soul of the deceased. Many family members are again shown on this wall. A statue of Ramose dressed in his long vizier’s robe with a heart amulet around his neck, is being purified by two priests. In the scene above, Ramose and his wife face three girls holding out sistra and menat to the deceased in another beautiful relief. Next to the entrance Ramose and his wife are depicted with offering bringers burning incense.

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