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Tomb of Khonsu

Khonsu  was a priest of the cult of Tuthmose III with the title ‘First Prophet of Menkheperre’, during the reign of Rameses II. The tomb has many lovely paintings depicting the cult of the god Montu as well as that of Tuthmose III.

On the left-hand side of the entrance there are scenes detailing the Festival of Montu, with some of Khonsu’s relatives making offerings to Montu’s barque in a procession of boats. Khonsu can be seen offering to the barque of Tuthmose III in a kiosk. The barque of Montu arrives at Armant  the god’s cult centre) and is carried to the temple by priests, accompanied by dignitaries. 

On the bottom registers the usual funerary scenes show women making offerings of incense and libations to the deceased tomb owner and rites before his mother and wife and other relatives.




On the right-hand side of the hall, there is a judgement scene with the weighing of the heart and portraying Khonsu, his wife and Usermontu led by Harsiesi to Osiris, Isis and Nephthys. A pyramid tomb is depicted in the bottom register and priests are offering incense to mummies in the funeral rites. The Feast of Tuthmose III is shown on the end wall with a procession of the royal barque in front of the temple being received by priests and priestesses of Montu. Below, herdsmen and shepherds with dogs bring cows and goats from the estate of Tuthmose IV to be inspected by the deceased and his family. On the western wall Khonsu and his wife stand before Osiris and Anubis.

The passage has beautifully decorated ceilings. In the entrance is a grape arbour and in the passage itself are geometric textile designs and naturalistic paintings of ducks, fledgling birds, nests and locusts. 

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