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Tomb of Neferonpet

Neferonpet, who was a temple scribe and held the title of ‘Scribe of the Treasury in the Estate of Amun-Re’ during the reign of Rameses II.

Neferonpet’s tomb consists of a large hall which leads into an inner chamber with a statue niche at the rear. On the outer lintel, cartouches of Rameses II are seen with depictions of Neferonpet and his wife Mutemwia before Osiris.

To the left of the entrance there are episodes from the ‘Book of Gates’,

Scenes around the northern, eastern and southern walls show the deceased and his wife led by Anubis to a judgement scene where Horus and Thoth report their verdict to Osiris, Isis and Nephthys. Neferonpet and his wife can be seen drinking from a pool in a garden and presiding over banqueting scenes. The inevitable harpist entertains the guests while the deceased couple play a game of Senet (with a cat gnawing on a bone beneath Mutemwia’s chair). Finally, Neferonpet is shown censing and libating before the deified Amenhotep I and Ahmose-Nefertari.

On the right side of the entrance are more scenes of offerings.

Below, there is a tree-goddess scene and the funeral procession with the sarcophagus being dragged towards the tomb. The ‘nine friends’ and female mourners take part in the procession along with servants carrying provisions and burial goods towards a pyramid tomb with a stela.

On the lintel above the entrance to the inner room a double scene shows Neferonpet and his wife adoring Osiris and Isis, Re-Horakhty and Ma’at. To the left of the doorway into the inner room there are funerary scenes where Neferonpet adores mummified deities and ultimately, Hathor as a cow in the Western Mountain. Below, priests perform rituals of purification with a list of offerings to be given and rituals for the ‘Opening of the Mouth’.

At the rear of the inner chamber there are four painted seated statues representing Neferonpet and his wife with two male relatives whose names can no longer be read.

The right-hand side of the inner chamber, beginning to the right of the entrance, the deceased couple can be seen offering to a barque containing a personified djed-pillar which is held aloft by Anubis and the standards of Thoth and Wepwawet. Offerings are also made to Sokar-Osiris who is portrayed as a hawk on a shrine. In the register below, Neferonpet in his office of scribe of the treasury, supervises five rows of temple activities – bead-workers, sculptors and cooks. Gold from the treasury is weighed and recorded and men are shown storing provisions.

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