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 luxor temple 

This beautiful temple was built by Amenhotep 3rd , 18 dynasty , 1450 Bc . 
Then completed by Ramsess 2nd  1299 Bc . 
The temple was dedicated to the Theban triad Amon - Re , his wife Mut & their son Khonso . 
temple once known as ‘Ipet-resyt’ or ‘the southern Opet’ which served as a focal point for the Opet festival. Once a year the divine image of Amun with his consort Mut and their son Khonsu would journey in their sacred barques from Karnak Temples to the temple at Luxor to celebrate the festival which was held during the inundation. Opet’s primary function was religious but the festival was also significant in maintaining the king’s divine role.




In front of the temple there is a sphinx avenue , body of a lion and the head of the king Nectanebo 1 .

36 on each side , this is part of the avenue which once reached Karnak temple . 

The front




The front of Luxor temple , have been built by Ramses 2nd so all the statues we see at front are of him 

originally there were 2 obelisqs , now you see only one cause the other are now in Paris .
on the eastern gate we can see sceans of the famous battle of Kadesh .

mosque of Abu el Hagag




All temples were covered with sand and dust before , people then built houses on top 
the mosque of Abu el hagag is the only building left after cleaning the temple 
the door up high was the entrance to the mosque , that was the ground level back then 

the mosque is about 800 years old .

first court



First court of the temple 

you will see many statues , all of them for  Ramses 2nd , with left leg forward , this is a military march , shows that he is a powerful king . some of them have a little statue of his royal wife the queen Nefertari .

The open court



The open court of the temple 

74 columns arranged in 3 double rows . have been built by king Amenhotep 3rd . 

This court is for main celebrations in the temple . 

Roman addition



Romans later on had reused part of the temple . to perform their religious rituals . they added 2 Corinthian columns , also plastered over the original  scenes and added their own . 

The sanctuary




the last part in the temple is a room added later on during the time of Alexander the great . he ordered its construction in 330 B.C . on its walls we can see Alexander making offering to God Amon .

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