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 Temple of Abydos 

No other temple in Egypt has such amazingly vivid colors like the temple of Seti 1st at Abydos it also has one of the most important king lists engraved on it's walls 

the front



This temple has been built by seti 1st then his son  Ramsess 2nd added the outer part of it 
so the front has been added by Ramses 2nd on the remaining walls of the first court you can see scenes of his battle

God Osiris sanctuary

There are 7 sanctuaries in this temple . the biggest is dedicated to the god Osiris , god of dead , to who the temple is dedicated .

The sanctuary of Amon- Re


Here you see the king Seti 1 st is burning incense and making offering in front of the boat of the god Amon -Re with the ram head on both sides of the boat - symbol of god Amon - . 

The kings list



The kings list  begins with Narmer and containing 76 names till Seti 1 st . it ignores the names of some kings such as Akhenaton , Tutankhamon & Hatshepsut 

The Osiren



This part has been built by Merenptah son of Ramsess 2nd , built completely from granite , in ancient time they believed that in this site was buried the head of god Osiris 
kings used to perform pilgrimage to this site

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between 1910-1920 lots of restorations had been done in the temple 
here are some photos which had been taken during the restoration process .

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