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Valley of the kings

Here in this valley lie the tombs of most of the pharaohs of the new kingdom . 64 excavated tombs , till now ,  the most famous and beautiful are for Ramsess  3rd , 4th , 6th , 9th , Hormoheb , Setnakht , Merenpthah , Tutankhamon & thutmoses 3rd .

When you visit the valley the ticket allows you to go to 3 tombs , but there are some tombs with extra  special ticket you buy it separately ;
king tutankhamon 200 LE , SETI 1st 1000 LE & Ramsess 6th 80 LE 

 The tombs are similar in design ,  corridors , side rooms for keeping the valuable things & finally the burial chamber for the mummy of the king . 

The vaelly



The reason why they had chosen this valley to dig their tombs in is that it has a natural  pyramid shape mountain

King tutankhamon tomb


The tomb of the king Tut is the last tomb of a king to be found in the valley . and the only one to be found intact with all the treasures inside . it has been found by Howard Carter in 1922
now in his tomb you can see his mummy in a glass box , his outer coffin & his sarcophagus . 
all his treasury now is displayed in the Egyptian museum in Cairo 

Ramses 6th tomb


One of the most beautiful tombs in the valley is the tomb of Ramses 6th , 

on the ceiling of the burial chamber you will see the superb scene of the goddess NUT , of the sky 

they did believe that this goddess swallow the sun every day ( represents the sun set ) and gives birth to the sun ( which represents the sun rising ) 

that mean that the sky protect the tomb of the king 

Tomb of Setnakht


Setnakht is the father of Ramses 3rd , he had usurped the tomb of the queen Tawesrt 
this scene show the ram god Amon with his stretched wings is protecting the tomb 

tomb of Hormoheb


His tomb is one of the deepest tombs , the scenes inside are really amazing , it's an unfinished tomb 

this scene is part of the book of the gates , one of the sacred books of the ancient Egyptians .



lid of the sarcophagus of the king Merenptah , son of Ramses 2nd 

Ramses 4th tomb

scenes showing the book of the dead , from the tomb of Ramses 4th . one of the most beautiful tombs in the valley of the kings . 

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