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The Ramesseum
this is the mortuary temple of the king Ramses 2nd , a small and peaceful temple

The Ramseum
In this temple you see lots of statues of Ramsses 2nd, heads are broken by the time ,
the statues show the king in a mummy form .

Fallen statue
This fallen statue of Ramsess 2nd of granite , once was 17 mts. high , weigh approx. 1000 tons

The Hypostyle Hall
Similar to that of Karnak , with it's higher columns in the center with open papyrus flower capital
and the lower ones on the sides with bud capital . still catch really beautiful colors .

The graniries
The earliest arches in history. These arches were barrel shaped and used for storing funerary materials, worker possessions and were enormous storerooms of grain and corn.
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